How Much You Get Paid To Get Car Wrapped Advertising
Depending on the coverage of your wrap you may earn between 196 a month for a lite one and 452 a month for a full wrap. If the sponsor decides to give up their vehicle wrap at the end of their contract the ad space is then sold to another company. Resources Download Moneys 21. If your entire vehicle is wrapped you can get paid up to 400 a month. Check Details Get Paid Advertising On Your Car 400 Per Month Wrap Advertising Paid Advertising Advertising Wrapify pays third-party car wrapping service providers directly so if you qualify for a campaign you just need to drive to the site and get your car wrapped. How much you get paid to get car wrapped advertising . 1 The car wrap advertising company you partner with For example if you work from wrapify you expect to make around 264 to 500 per month. To qualify for a free car promotion you will need an excellent driving record. Means you get to use a car for free and get paid too. If your entire vehicle is wrapped you can get paid...